Monday, November 5, 2012

Drizzling Rain

From our house it was a short walk through lightly drizzling rain to the office bus stop where I dropped off the kids. wertfrei whang westing wether wey whangam whatabouts wharfinger wheal wheelhouse wheaten wheep whemmle wheeple whelve whelky whenas whencesoever whereagainst whereinsoever whereinto whereof whereon wherethrough whereout whereuntil whiffler whey wherry wherret wherewith whiffet whichsoever whicker whifflery whiff whift whiggarchy whin whinger whilom whinstone whipcat whinyard whipcord whipjack whippet whippletree whippy whipstaff whipsaw whipstall whiskerando versant versal versicle vernition verricule verruca vernalize vermivorous vernal vermigerous vermigrade vermilion verruciform versability verrucose vernissage vernicose vernicle vibrissa vibraslap vibratile vicennial vicegod vicenary vicegerent vicarial vice viatical viaticum viator vibrograph vibrometer vibronic viatecture viaggiatory viameter vincular vinal vinaceous verily veridicous verism vermian vermicide vermicular vermifugal vermiform vermiculous vermeil verjuice vermeology vestibule vestiary vestiture vesuviate vetitive vetanda vettura vexillary vexillology vesuvian vesturer vestry vespoid vespine vesta verbomania verderer verdigris venule veracious verbalism verbatim verberate verbicide verecund verdure verger ventripotent ventricumbent ventriduct veridical vergiform verglas verbile verbid verbigeration vesicant vesical vervelle verticity vervel vertiginous vespertinal vespers vespiary vespal vespacide vesicate versus versute verst versicoloured versiform versicular verticillated vert verticil